Youth Service Bureaus

What is a Youth Service Bureau (YSB)?

A YSB is an agency that is responsible for providing services and programs for all youth to develop positively and to function as responsible members of their communities. Additionally, YSBs assess needs of youth, identify gaps in service and coordinate services to fill those gaps. The services YSBs provide may involve programs related to youth development, juvenile justice, truancy prevention, and connection to community resources. United Services, Inc. Youth Service Bureau serves Brooklyn, Canterbury, Eastford, Killingly, Plainfield and Sterling. TEEG’s Youth Service Bureau serves Thompson, Woodstock, Pomfret and Putnam.

A YSB may recommend or provide for any school-aged child:

  • Academic supports which could include credit recovery and/or college prep programs
  • Referral or access to individual or family mental health services and/or medical care
  • Referral to other community-based intervention programs (including in-home services) targeting truancy and other behavioral concerns
  • Educational advocacy
  • Mediation
  • Mentoring
  • Parenting classes
  • Positive social activities such as art, enrichment, and sports
  • Referral for clean clothes, healthy food, stable housing, and/or transportation needs

What will happen when a referral is made to a YSB*?

  • Once the YSB has received a complete and signed referral, they will reach out to the family via phone or send a letter to the family’s home.
  • YSB staff will explain the process to the family and ensure consent to move forward.
  • If the family agrees to participate, the YSB will arrange a time to meet with the student and the family and gather information (including demographics, family & school information and needs and strengths of the student & family).
  • The YSB will work with the school to address the individual needs of the student, such as assisting families with school meetings to support the student.
  • The YSB will identify available and appropriate community supports for the student and review them with the student and their family.
  • Based on family input, YSB staff may provide programming within the YSB and/or make appropriate community referrals.

*This process may be different based on the needs of the family and/or the resources available in your community

Youth Service Bureaus

United Services, Inc.
Brooklyn, Canterbury, Eastford, Killingly, Plainfield and Sterling  860-564-6100

Thompson, Woodstock, Pomfret and Putnam   860-923-3458

Parent referrals are accepted, just contact your local YSB directly!

School Referral Form for Truancy & Defiance of School Rules Referral Form

YSB Brochure For Parents and School Personnel